Monday, August 28, 2006

My Little Chatterbox

An no it's not Erin (well Erin is a chatterbox, but this is about Jeffrey). Jeffrey has become more vocal with every passing day. He's always had that babble where I was sure he was trying to tell me something, but I couldn't understand a word of it. Actually that was one of the cutest things about him. He would start this long conversation full of pauses, inflection, different consonants and vowels -- just none of it real words. Well those real words are becoming more and more frequent now. I'd say he's picking up a new word almost every day right now. Much of it is still associated with a specific action or situation -- for example his newest word is "backpack" (something only Dora lovers probably comprehend). Whenever he sees Dora and specifically "Backpack" he sings the backpack song clear enough that Tom and I know what he's saying. He even will say it when Erin's wearing her little backpack around the house. Some of his other words right now are:

All Done (mostly associated with eating)
Night Night
Down (he hears that one a LOT - "Jeffrey get Down", "Jeffrey Sit Down", "Jeffrey come Down the stairs")
Thank You (when you hand him something)
Toot Toot (when he's pushing a car around)
Blast Off (picked up from watching Rocket with his sister)

It's just amazing to sit back and realize I'm starting to understand some of that babble. Maybe being able to communicate a little better will help his temper when he doesn't get what he wants. Even just a little would be nice.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hey Jeffrey, That is so exciting that you are learning more words every day. You are getting to be such a big boy! Pretty soon you will have a bigger vocabulary that your Aunt Katie. I may be an animal doctor, but vocabulary was never my thing. We love you and miss you lots, Aunt Katie and Uncle Bill