Saturday, October 04, 2008

A New Mommy

It appears I've been replaced.

Jeffrey has announced to me that he has a New Mommy. Apparently a nicer mommy.

Yesterday morning was a day off from school - meaning optimal "sleep in" day. I think the kids didn't get the message. They were both still up at the first sound of Tom's shower running. Bounding into the big bed with me until daddy's shower was over. Then it was off to follow daddy around for the morning (or at least until he left the house at 6:45). BUT there was no school, no need to be up that early, no need to be waking Mommy up that early. I corralled them into the big bed after Tom left and let them watch Playhouse Disney until I was sufficiently awake (which happened to be after Rocket).

So when I went downstairs to find the living room and dining room look as if they'd been caught in the middle of a cyclone, I was noticeably frustrated with my early birds. After requesting that they put the cushions back ON the good couch and getting a defiant NO from Jeffrey he got 1 warning. After asking him again he responded by throwing the truck-in-hand across the room. This immediately leads to time out which elicits and even bigger fit. I decide it's not worth the fight and go hunting for coffee. Jeffrey calms himself down and wanders into the kitchen with a sad and pouty look about him.

"I have a new mommy. My new mommy says I don't have to go to time out."

And then walked back out of the kitchen to continue his general destruction of the living room. For the rest of the day any time I'd try to discipline or "talk" to him he'd remind me that his new mommy says he doesn't have to go to time out.

So clearly I've been replaced. There's a new and better mommy out there. I just hope she's willing to wipe his bum and cook his lunches too.

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