Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Visit to Narnia

Over the past months we have been visiting the land of Narnia. As a family we were all involved in the local production of "Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe." The show opened on December 4th and we just had our final show today, January 10th. This is mostly because we had two weekends of snow storms in VA that canceled shows.

Both the kids are familiar with the Narnia story (they were Lucy and Sir Peter for Halloween in 2008). So they were really excited to be involved in the show. Erin got to be a Christmas elf and Jeffrey was one of Aslan's guards. This was his first real show. He definitely had a blast with it. We certainly confirmed that he's got his daddy's goofy genes. He can really ham up a scene without saying a word. He also seems to be able to find his way on stage multiple times when he's not supposed to be there. But he was never overly distracting and said his lines nice and loud.

Both Tom and I were also in the show. Tom was the great lion, Aslan, and I got to be one of the head Christmas elfs. This was one of the few shows where Tom had to play the straight character. It was actually rather challenging for him.

Erin explained today that she is very sad that Narnia is over because she loves the show. I know that's true, but I also know that what she really loves is the people. That's what Tom and I really love too. It's an amazing group of people. An extended family for our kids, and wonderful friends for us.

Next stop . . .


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