Monday, February 15, 2010

Back to Normal??

It's been almost 3 weeks since Jeffrey has been to school.  And in the past 2 weeks Erin's only been one day - and it was a two hour delay.  That's just how things go here in the Mid-Atlantic when we're hit with a mountain of snow.  Today they're both at school (but still under a two hour delay).  And it's supposed to snow/ice this afternoon.  What will tomorrow bring?

Needless to say, we're all a little stir crazy.  We've done our best to get out.  Thank god for the gym or we'd be more than stir crazy.  But everything is on it's head.  Tom has had to work from home a few days because we couldn't get the car up the hills.  That means the basement is off limits during the day.  There's been some sleeping in.  Some staying up later.  Lots of Wii Sports and Super Mario Brothers.  Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs seems to be on repeat play. 

And of course when you all spend so much time confined there's the inevitable fights.  He took my computer!!! She won't share!!! I wanna play the DS!!! I don't want to nap/read!!!! 

There's been lots of extra time to finish making Valentine's (which Jeffrey still has work to do).  Our "things to do" boxes are getting empty.  The crayons are wearing down to nibs.  There's paint on the table from making model cars and airplanes (which have already broken). 

So I guess you can say we've survived the Blizzard of '10.  Sometimes it feels like just barely.  And I'll fully admit I'm over the moon that they're back in school today -- even if Tom has taken over the basement again.

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