Monday, June 14, 2010

Free Willy

Erin has always been my little bug girl.  They don't seem to freak her out (too much at least).  She loves picking up caterpillars or worms outside.  Catching fireflies is one of her favorite things to do on summer evenings.  She'll even pick up and carry little toads around.

Over the weekend we stopped at a few yard sales.  The kids were each allowed to bring $5 from their piggy banks to spend at the sales.  Erin was having a really hard time picking out what she wanted.   As we were leaving one sale, she saw a little "Bug box" on the ground.  "Mommy mommy! I want that.  I can put bugs in it!!"  Since it was her money we let her make her choice.

Yesterday morning, while I was in the shower, Erin can running into the bathroom.  "Mommy! There's a spider downstairs!"  "OK honey.  Don't worry about it.  Or you can squish it if you want."  2 minutes later.  "Mommy, I killed it.  What should I do?"  "Just leave it, or put a box over it.  Or pick it up with some Kleenex."  2 minutes more follow.  "I put it in my box.  It's not dead!  I'm going to name him Willy.  Like the whale!"

Now when we bought the box I assumed that we'd been having some visitors.  I expected fireflies, or caterpillars.  Maybe a toad.  Nope.  We've got a little spider.  She's named it Willy. 

Willy is now living in a box on Erin's desk.  I'm really hoping I can convince her in the next day or so that spiders would rather be outside.  Because I'm certainly NOT going to go looking for food for Willy. 

So someone help me convince my daughter to Free Willy.


Julia said...

Actually what Willy needs is Wilma to keep him company!!

Noni said...

Very Cute! Read her "Be Nice to Spiders" and convince her to let it go in somebody's barn - - or maybe remind her of Charlotte and Wilbur!