Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Lost In The Corn

I just love autumn.  The way the trees change colors.  The cooler temperatures.  The apples and pumpkins.  Cider.  I love taking the kids outside and snapping pictures.  Yet as always seems to happen our weekends are quickly filling up, and I'm not sure how many opportunities we're going to have to escape to the great outdoors this fall.  So, with the kids out of school for a teacher work day yesterday, I took them to a local corn maze.  I've never seen anything quite like this.  It's mammoth -- 20 some-odd acres of corn fields cut into intricate mazes.  We joined with a group of Girl Scouts from our county and explored the Statue of Liberty maze.  Hidden inside the maze were 13 different quiz questions.  In order to "finish" the maze the kids had to find all the questions and bring back the answers.   At one point Erin mentioned that she wished the maze were the Washington Mo'm'ument because she knew a lot more about that.  I let her know that this was a great opportunity for her to learn about the Statue of Liberty.  All in all, it took our small group about a hour to find our way through the maze.

After we finished with that, I took some cute pictures of the kids near random hay bales, corn stalks, tractors and pumpkins.  They put up with my antics about as well as they usually do.  Then they were allowed to pick their own pumpkin from the pumpkin patch.  They really enjoyed being able to wander through the patch and pick out their very own pumpkin.  Much more exciting that buying one at the store.

I'm hoping we'll still find some more time to get outside in the next few weeks.  The colors here haven't really changed yet so there's still time!!!  Stay tuned for more cute pics of the kids in autumn. 

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