Sunday, May 15, 2011

Celebrating Birthdays

Good Morning Birthday Boy!!

The Birthday Pile

We celebrated Jeffrey's birthday the way it seems we often celebrate birthdays this year.  With a very busy day. We had rehearsal for Seussical that evening so had to start the morning early with opening presents.  He'd already gotten his big present, his bike.  Still, he was very excited to find plenty to open birthday morning.  He got some Star Wars room decals to put on his walls when we re-do his room over the summer.  There were also the requisite leggos and Star Wars guys as well.  Grandma got him some Pokemon cards that he'd been asking for as well as a DS game he's really been wanting.

After school we headed into rehearsal early.  We stopped off and got some ice cream (Jeffrey picked out birthday cake flavor) and since it was really nice we played at a park for a while too.  It was a great relaxing way to spend an afternoon.

Time for a swing

Angry Cupcakes
Jeffrey's birthday party was on Friday the 6th.  He had been begging for an Angry Birds party so mommy did her best to put together a great one for him.  He had about 10 friends from school come and we played some target games, beanbag tossing, and just rolled down the hill -- what more could a bunch of 6-year old boys (and 3 girls) ask for.  Everyone seemed to have a really great time, and my efforts at some Angry Birds decorations even worked out pretty well.

Boys and 1 girl on the hill.

Daddy Distraction

All in all it was a great birthday spent with family and friends.
 Happy Birthday Big Man!!!

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