Monday, February 20, 2012

Snow! Finally Some Winter Weather

 Well, yesterday it was 55 degrees.  A few weeks ago I walked the kids home from the bus wearing a t-shirt.  We've mostly abandoned the winter jackets.  And today we got 3" of snow!  I'm really ready for spring, but Erin and Jeff were ready for at least one snow this season.

Daddy and Jeff had their first Pinewood Derby this afternoon (more on that in another post).  Luckily the snow held off long enough for them to complete their event.  As they were driving into the driveway Erin and I were bundling up for a winter walk -- probably the only one of the season.  We invited daddy and Jeffrey, but Jeff hates being cold and pretty quickly turned us down.

Erin and I bounded outside and walked a quick loop around the neighborhood.  Erin started up a game of "Would you rather" and we played the whole time.  I learned she'd rather meet Adam Lambert than Miley Cyrus, that she prefers playing in the snow to swimming in the ocean (she's afraid of sharks), and that she would choose to play volleyball over soccer.

When we left on our walk there was a very light dusting on the grass and almost nothing on the roads.  By the time we completed our circuit there was enough snow on the grass to suggest she could get out her sled.  The snow continued to fall and she continued to play, dodging trees and rocks, ducking under pricker bushes (our hill is more of an obstacle course).  Eventually we convinced brother to join her.

Jeff is really not a big fan of the snow.  He enjoys sledding, but hates being cold or wet and despises being cold AND wet.  There were a few moments of distress over the fact that his gloves and jacket sleeves didn't meet.  Once we got the gloves issue worked out, he continued to slide along with his sister until it got too dark to navigate the obstacles or avoid sliding into the street.

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