Tuesday, July 23, 2013


This is Fluffy. Fluffy joined our family last Tuesday on Jeffrey's big visit to King's Dominion.  He, of course, won him in one of those games that I have spent my days explaining to Jeffrey "No one ever wins that game."  And Jeff wins with a lucky softball toss into the basket on his second try -- ugh.

Anyway, Fluffy spent the rest of the day playing with us at the park, which was to be expected.  But since then, Fluffy has been everywhere Jeff has gone.  Remember this post from last year? The one where J took a piece of foam and turned it into a hat for a week?  So in the past several days he has needed to take Fluffy on several walks around the neighborhood using an old doll stroller (or even an old kid umbrella stroller).  Fluffy has been to church and Black Box rehearsals.  He went to see After Earth (which frightened him a good bit, so he was very glad Jeffrey was there to hold him tightly) and visited the library to pick out some new books.

The ability this boy has to tune out the looks of others.  To close his eyes to their snickers and glares.  To block from his ears their teasing laughter.  All he sees is an amazingly cute and adorable buddy.  One who will play whatever game J wants to play.  One that likes to take walks and watch movies, and loves to be read to.  I can only pray that he keeps this ability to be who he is, strong and confident at he grows up.  Too often our chides and teases break down that confidence.  Hold onto it buddy.  And hold onto Fluffy.

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