Thursday, August 11, 2005

Returning Home

We're back after a few days in DC. Erin and Jeffrey enjoyed their time with Great-Oma and Uncle Jonathan and the little bit they got to see Nana and Grandad. Erin, as usual, spent most of her day with Great-Oma. Jeffrey alternated between hanging out with mommy or Great-Oma and even Uncle Jonathan. Uncle Jon even got his first chance to babysit when mommy, Nana and Grandad went to the Neil Diamond concert (he puts on an awesome show, by then way) Wednesday night. Uncle Jon even changed diapers, fed Jeffrey, and put on his PJs.

Erin did fairly well with the potty while we were there, had 1 successful poop in the potty, but it seems we've hit a little regression. So.... back home and we're going to delve back into training headlong. Mommy's going to try to make it fun and exciting again and we'll see if that helps minimize some of our recent accidents. My guess is that something once new, is no longer fun and new. Therefore - the M&M's and cheers, stories, bubbles etc... are all coming back out. I'll keep you all posted on the progress.

1 comment:

Mrs. B said...

Hey, found a couple of sites that seem to have some good ideas...for making potty training fun!!! :-) Thought you might want to check them out... (Yes, clearly I have nothing better to do at work.)