Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Baking Together

Erin and I made cookies together for the first time last Friday. Erin has helped cook before and loves to help out in the real kitchen when we let her. I decided peanutbutter cookies would be a good idea because they are fairly simple and have some parts that Erin can really help with.

Erin helps mostly by dumping the ingredients into the bowl. She really liked scooping the peanut butter out of the measuring cup and helping to pack in the brown sugar. Of course she also like eating the ingredients. She dipped her finger into the peanutbutter, the sugar, the vanilla etc... She even tried the crisco and the flour though - ick. She decided that was enough dipping her finger in the dough.

She also helped to flatten the cookies with a fork onto the cookie sheet -- while continuing to snack on the dough because after all the ingredients got mixed together she decided it was ok to try again. I tried to get her to stop eating the dough telling her there wouldn't be enough cookies but that didn't seem to matter to her. What's the fun of making cookies if you don't eat the dough I guess.

Of course this was her favorite part - and mine too. Yummy.


Katie said...

Erin, Peanut butter cookied are one of your Aunt Katie's favorites. I bet they tasted really yummy. Maybe while you guys are up in Rochester we can make some cookies together, I also love chocolate mint cookies 8). We can not wait to see you in a few weeks, boy have you guys grown up so much since we saw you at our wedding last July. Love ya, Aunt Katie and Uncle Bill

Anonymous said...


I helped my Mommy make cookies and we had a good time. I got in a real mess but, Mommy said that was ok... Maybe we can make cookies together soon..

Love Rylie