Tuesday, February 07, 2006

9-month stats

Jeffrey had his 9-month appointment yesterday. Everything is looking great. Dr. Q. is thrilled with all of his physical progress.

Jeff's stats are:
Length - 29 1/8 inches -- 75th percentile
Weight - 18 1/4 pounds -- 10th to 25th percentile

Here's a bunch of his recent achievements:
Crawling on hands an knees
Pulling up on furniture
Cruising furniture
Standing on his own for short periods of time
Walking behind desk chairs
Snacking on Puffs or Cheerios
Saying "Baa Baa" and squealing
Getting into all of Erin's toys

I've also discovered he is fully capable of falling down the stairs, putting entire toys into his mouth, emptying the DVD shelf onto the floor, pulling Erin's hair, getting tangled into cords, flipping out of the bouncy chair....need I go on?

He is simply into everything and explores most anything with his mouth -- if he can get his mouth on it or put it into his mouth he does. I am hoping that this stage passes soon, but I don't have any expectations that it will.

Sometimes I'm amazed that we've both survived the past 9 months alive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You are becoming such a big boy. I can not wait to see you soon. I look forward to playing with you and Erin at Grandma and Grandpa Wallace's house. You might be bigger then me now. WOW..

Love Rylie