Thursday, May 15, 2008


Jeffrey has certainly developed into a social butterfly. He has absolutely no fear of adults or strangers at all (which is actually somewhat disconcerting). He has a regular friend at the grocery store (one of the managers I think) that he runs up to every time we see him. He also greets every person he sees. People at the store, neighbors in their yards, friends at church, pretty much everyone. Maybe my 4 summers greeting people at the Disney store got into my genes somehow and turned Jeffrey into a greeter.

So this morning we are heading out for a day at the gym and errands. As we are working on getting into the car I hear Jeffrey begin his usual pattern.

"Hello, What's your name?" "I'm Jeffrey."

I look around to see if there's a neighbor working in the yard or someone jogging on the road. No one catches my eye.

"Who are you talking to bud?"

"I'm not bud, I'm Jeffrey" (another one of his phases, can't call him anything but his name otherwise he gets slightly offended or upset)

"Ahhh. OK. Sorry Jeffrey. Who are you talking to?"

"The clouds." Said very matter of factly. "They're not talking though. Hi clouds. I'm Jeffrey"

So there he was. Standing in the middle of the driveway looking up at the sky having a quite lovely conversation with the clouds. He wasn't in the least bit concerned or disturbed that they weren't responding. I guess he just took it as part of being a cloud.

Ahhh for the days when life was so simple it was important to make sure we greeted the clouds.


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