Friday, November 14, 2008

Field Trip Fun

Yesterday Erin had her first real big field trip. Back in October they took a short trip to the pumpkin patch. I would have gone along but I needed to pick Jeffrey up from school right in the middle of it. So I decided that Jeff and I would tag along for yesterday's trip. They were heading to a discovery Museum Amazement Square. Although quite a drive away I've always wanted to take the kids. And Museums (in case you all forgot that I used to work in a former life) really are my thing.

So I sent Erin off to school in a driving rain so she could ride the bus down with all her friends. Jeff and I went home, got ready to go made a few stops - including visiting the new Dunkin Donuts - and headed out to meet them. It was probably the worst day for driving we've had in months. The rain was a cold nasty driving rain. It was foggy and windy. No fun. The drive took about 90 minutes (long enough for Jeff to watch all of Meet the Robinsons).

Once we got to the Museum though we had a blast. They had a ton of stuff to do. I was the only non-chaperon parent with Erin's group. The chaperon with them had been recruited from the school that morning as the original one had gotten sick. So while not an official chaperon I certainly helped to corral the kids. They had lots of exploration time. Their favorite areas seemed to be a motion area with chutes/slides and golf balls, a bicycle race thing, a river with running water, and this great big 4-story climbing tower. Yeah try keeping tabs on kids once they get in there. There is also this really cool room with all glass walls. The kids can go in and paint all over the walls. It's messy but they all seem to love it. Jeff did great keeping up with sister, but not getting in her way.

The also got to sit in for a lesson on living on the farm. The kids talked about animals. Counted them. Voted and looked at the result graph. I noted while watching everyone that Jeff fit right in, in the middle of a bunch of Kindergartners. he growing up or what?

After our long day I took Erin with me home in the car because I had a meeting in the 'Ville. We were driving through Amherst and I asked the kids if they wanted to see where I used to work. Erin's immediate response was "You work mommy? Really? I didn't know that!!" "Well yes dear, I did have a previous life before you were around." "And YOU worked? Wow!!!" We did a drive-by just so I could prove to her that I wasn't lying. Clearly mommas don't work, and never did. Mommas are just mommas.

The Painting Room

Jumping Around in a Virtual Game

Playing with Lights and Colors

1 comment:

Katie said...

Sounds like a really cool place. Maybe once Will gets a bit older we can take a special trip there when we are visiting VA. We love you and can't wait to see you in a week and a half, Aunt Katie, Uncle Bill, and Will