Monday, February 09, 2009


Erin got to go on a special date with her daddy on Saturday. The county held a Father/Daughter Valentine's day dance and Tom decided it would be fun to take Erin. They got all dressed up and headed off on a beautiful afternoon. At the dance they met up with a few friends, and danced the rest of the afternoon away. Erin said the Hokey Pokey and the Chicken Dance were her favorite parts. Tom said they danced together the whole time and just had a blast. It's quite sweet watching my little baby grow into such a big girl these days.

Erin and her friend Delaney

Spinning with Daddy


Anonymous said...

Very cool... my daughter and I are going to our second father/daughter dance this Saturday. Last year she mostly ran around with her little friend instead of dancing, but that's ok! She likes it.

Great pics! Adorable family. :)

Katie said...

It sounds like you and your dad had a blast Erin. I have always loved to dance too! Maybe next time I see you we can do some dancing!