Monday, July 06, 2009

Happy 4th!!!

We spent a fun 4th weekend here in the "ville. Daddy had work off on Friday so some friends of his (from work) came to visit for the afternoon. We hung out on the deck, went for a swim at the lake and even played on the Wii for a bit. It was just a good ole' relaxing day.

Friday night Noni, Grandpa, Uncle Jon and Oma arrived for the weekend. Since Noni was preaching at our church on Sunday they came for the 4th too. Saturday morning we all headed into over to Main Street for the annual 4th of July parade. Erin had been talking all week about hoping to see her friend Brandon there. I had intended to call his mom and try to make some plans to meet, but it just didn't happen. As fate would have it, as we drove into the parking lot, there were Brandon's parents pulling chairs out of the car. Erin was soooooo excited. She jumped out of the van and ran across the parking lot (once mommy held her hand) to give Brandon a proper tackle. For the rest of the morning they were inseparable.

The parade was great. The kids got their usual fill of candy thrown out of fire engines, from tractors and antique cars. They got to wave at Miss. Greene, and even Lil' Miss and Mr. Greene. They got little flags from a group of veterans, and Erin got a ruler with all the presidents pictured on it.

The rest of the afternoon we spent on the deck. The kids played PlayDough with Oma for hours. Noni, Grandpa, Daddy and I played some dominoes. Uncle Jon wandered from activity to activity (and fixed mommy's computer program). We had smoked chicken, pasta salad, corn on the cob and some potatoes from the smoker too.

Once it got dark we took a few sparklers out to the side lawn for some sparkler fun. Then we walked down to the lake for the annual "lake" fireworks show. As usual for a small community show, they did a great job. Unfortunately we got separated from Jeffrey and daddy (when Jeff needed an emergency potty break) and didn't get to watch the fireworks with them.

Sunday was rainy. We lunched at the local wing place after church. Then played some board games while the kids watched Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe. Before everyone headed home we celebrated Uncle Jon's birthday (2 days early).

It was a great weekend to see some family and special friends.

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