Tuesday, November 03, 2009

May The Force Be With You

We had a lot of fun getting ready for and celebrating Halloween last week. The kids have had their costumes for a month or so. Jeffrey picked this year's theme when he said he wanted to be Luke Skywalker. Erin was perfectly happy to go along with the idea and dress up as Princess Leia. Noni found some adorable costumes online and ordered them for the kids. Erin's even came with a wig.

We started on Sunday the 25th at a pumpkin carving party with some friends. Unfortunately, the pumpkins I bought for the kids turned out to be hard as rocks and about 3 inches thick. It was just completely impossible for them to carve. Turns out they were baking pumpkins.

Tom and I bought some tools that came with some patterns. I've never done anything like this, but they looked cool. We picked out this neat design that was a ghost flying through the word "Boo". Although the kids couldn't really help, they were perfectly happy running around outside with their friends.

Tuesday Jeffrey and I bought some more pumpkins so the kids could carve them. We got them all ready after dinner that evening. Problem was, the kids liked the "Boo" pumpkin so much they just wanted mommy and daddy to carve their designs in. They did get to help scoop out the goo (something Jeffrey was willing to do for the first time ever). Erin made sure all the seeds got separated out so we could roast them.

We ended up with the "Boo", a witch, a bat, and a kid in bed hiding from a monster outside his window. I think they all turned out pretty cool. Especially the witch.

Friday Jeffrey had his party at school. They get to wear their costumes but can't bring any weapons (so the lightsaber had to stay home). Unfortunately even the teachers didn't really get who he was. He knew it though and was perfectly happy to tell them. He enjoyed playing the games with his friends, especially beating up on the pinata.

Saturday night came and we got the kids all layered into the costumes. Rain had been threatening all day, but was still holding off. We decided to head into town for a friend's annual Halloween Lawn party. We made a quick stop at another friends to show them the kids costumes. Their teenage daughter offered to take the kids trick-or-treating around her block. They were so excited to go out with Izzy (thanks hun).

We continued in to visit our other friends. We took the kids trick-or-treating down their street a little. Unfortunately while we were there, Erin started complaining of a headache. After about an hour, the poor girl was in tears and asking to go home. My little princess Leia just couldn't take the fun any more.

No matter, we still had a great time celebrating together.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

You guys looks so cute.. Rylie wanted t be darth vader but chnaged her mind.. Rylie loves the movies and maybe you can all watch them together soon..