Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone

This year we all got the gift that keeps on giving. That's right. We all got a bug. Erin spent most of the night of Christmas Eve sick in the bathroom. Jeffrey woke up about 5 with his own issues. Both kids were very worried that since they were awake Santa might not come, but I sleepily assured them that being sick didn't count. Santa might have already shown up anyway. So Tom spent the rest of the night sleeping with Erin and I snuggled in with Jeffrey. Erin woke up about 7:30 feeling better, but still icky. After a while, before breakfast, she curled up on the couch in a ball.

Both kids were able to enjoy their Christmas though, especially once the Motrin kicked in. Erin had asked Santa for some un-breakable headbands and he certainly came through. He also tucked some lip balm and sparkly nail polish. Boy, my little girl is certainly growing up.

Jeffrey had asked Santa for a train table. Since the whole table wouldn't fit in the sleigh, mommy and daddy came through with a wooden train set for him. Tom made Jeffrey wait until the very end of Christmas morning to open the "big box". He certainly was excited once he did get to open it. His Star Wars toys from Uncle Bill were also a huge hit. Thanks, Uncle Bill.

The rest of Christmas was low key. We tried out some new Wii games. Erin tested her Bolt DS game. We put together puzzles and Leggos. The kids have also really enjoyed their "Stuff to Do" boxes that Grandma W. sent them. She filled a couple of shoe boxes with some paper and pencils, simple crafts, Bingo games etc . . . Each day both kids have gotten into their boxes to dig something out. Pretty cool idea.

Since people were feeling down we decided to hold off on Christmas dinner until everyone could enjoy it. So our quiet Christmas at home, ended up a bit more quiet and low key than we'd planned, but it was still pretty special.

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