Monday, January 25, 2010

Forehead Aches

My sweet girl has been suffering from what she calls "forehead aches" recently.  Actually she's complained about them for a little over a year but recently they've been getting worse.  Sometimes they seem to hit her when she's overtired or we've been too busy.  Sometimes they just come out of what seems like nowhere.  The last few we've had to deal with have been whoppers.  They wake her up in the middle of the night.  She's crying and shaking and just wants to be held.  Sometimes a cool cloth on her head helps.  Usually, I'll give her some Motrin and that will kick in after a while.  Unfortunately the last two have been so bad they've made her physically ill, and she's thrown up from them. 

Given all that we took a trip to talk with the pediatrician today.  She asked her all the questions a 6-year old could be expected to answer.  We talked about possible triggers.  Foods?  Dehydration? Family cases of migraines - (yes her Uncle on Mommy's side and her Aunt on Daddy's side)?  She got to stand on one foot and stick out her tongue and make some silly faces.  The basic neuro testing went fine.  We did decide to run a few blood tests.  This was her first time having to get her arm poked.  She was pretty miserable about it, but held nice and still.  She got a shiny band-aid and got to choose 3 stickers.  When we got home, she then got to watch one of her new Shirley Temple movies from her Oma. 

We'll find out more in the next day or so.  I'm going to talk to her teacher about bringing a water bottle to school and keeping it with her so she can drink from it throughout the day.  I certainly hope we're able to find out what's going on and make my little girl feel better.  We certainly hate seeing her hurt like that. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


We hope up start to feel better soon. Please keep us informed and if there is anything you guys need let us know.. Love to all

Aunt Robyn, Rylie and Avery