Monday, October 10, 2011

Erin's Monticello Report

While we were touring Monticello there was a woman who had brought a notebook with her and was taking notes on things that interested her during the tour.  Erin thought that was a really neat idea and was bummed she hadn't brought her own journal.  So first thing Saturday morning she popped into our bedroom to show her daddy the journal she'd written about the tour.  I was surprised at the things that she remembered and what little parts of the tour she latched on to.  I encouraged her to type her report into the computer and bring a copy to school as well.  


We took a tour. I saw a eagle on the ceiling.  I saw a bad drawing of Thomas Jefferson.  I saw a lot of books.  I saw his glasses and his bed.  Now I know that Thomas Jefferson served 8 pieces of meat and 8 desserts.  I saw a really cool board game.  Then we went outside.  Thomas Jefferson could see the Blue Ridge Mountain.  Thomas Jefferson stored wine and beer.  We saw a cool kitchen and we saw a ice house.  We also saw some people digging for stuff under ground.  Mom says that is called archeology.  We walked through the gardens and saw a marshmallow plant.  We also saw a lot of herbs.    

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