Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Size 7 - what do you mean size 7?

In the past few weeks, Tom and I have noticed that Erin's very cute pink sneakers have been getting a little tight. And over the weekend Tom decided that they really were too small (it feels like they were just only recently a little too big). So on a trip to the mall the other day I passed Payless Shoes (where else would I but shoes for someone who apparently grows out of shoes every month). I started perusing the shelves of sneakers and when an employee passed by and asked if we needed anything. I decided it had been a while since I'd had Erin's feet measured so asked if she could measure Erin's feet. She had her stand up like a big girl and said,

"OK, she needs a size 6 1/2"

I thought, wow I was standing in front of 6s thinking those looked to be big. Then she measured Erin's other foot,

"Well, this one measures a size 7."

"7? You've got to be kidding me!!"

So we moved along to an entirely new shelf and picked out two new pair of shoes - one pair of white sneakers and a pair of black shoes with Dora on them -- and of course both have little flashing lights on them. So now my baby girl is running around in size 7 shoes, tripping all over the place and I can't decide if she's tripping because the shoes are soo much bigger than she was wearing or if she's trying to watch the little lights as she runs and jumps everywhere. Most likely it's a combination of the two. Either way, I can't believe my baby girl is getting so big. Before I know it she'll be picking out a new backpack and heading off to kindergarten -- cry :(

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