Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I am 6 months old now

I am six months old now!!!!

I am 16 lbs. 6 ozs (50th percentile) and 27 1/8" long (75th percentile) -- that's about 1 pound heavier and 1 inch longer than my sister was at this age.

I still spit up.

I can army crawl all around the house and I love to find all the cords on the floor.

I can rock back and forth on my hands and knees.

I have 2 bottom teeth.

I can sit up on my own.

I sleep on my tummy (whether mommy likes it or not).

I drool a lot.

I chew on everything.

I still spit up.

I am starting to get a little more hair.

I have big-boy carseat because I was getting too heavy for mommy to lug around in my carrier.

I love to eat cereal and fruits and veggies -- bananas and sweet potatoes are my favorites right now.

I can make a mess with the cat food.

Did I mention I still spit up?

I squeal and squeak when I am happy.

I LOVE to give you my best smile.

I giggle at my sister because she's just so cool.

I stress my mommy out beyond belief because I am into everything and she wishes I was like my sister and would just sit in the middle of the floor and be happy.

I have decided it is very cool to be 6 months old.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hey Jeffrey, That is quite a list of accomplishments for a 6th month old; how cute you look in your overalls. Your Uncle Bill and I are sad that we only get to watch you grow up through pictures, but hopefully we will get to see you again soon. Love ya lots,
Aunt Katie and Uncle Bill