Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Too cute for words...

...but I'm going to give it a try. This happened a week or so ago and was just the cutest thing Erin has done in quite some time.

After coming with me to a long rehearsal we took some down time before going to bed and watched some football. Erin had two of her friends - her baby and Norman my old stuffed beaver - down in the basement. She decided it was time for them to take naps so she took turns bringing them upstairs to her bed and laying them down. Then she'd come back down and get the other one. This pattern went on for 15 minutes or so and is nothing new. I often find Little People, crayons, books tucked into her bed -- and sometimes even ours.

Well after one of her trips back downstairs with Norman, she climbed up onto the couch with Nana and me. We figured she was beginning to get tired herself and was going to sack out on the couch for a few minutes. Well, were we wrong. She looked at me and said, "Baby eating." I wasn't sure what she was talking about but what followed cleared up all my questions. Let's see if I can put it into words.

Erin turned Norman onto his side so his tummy was against hers. She then lifted her shirt up and snuggled Norman close. She was "feeding" him just like mommy feeds Jeffrey. She held him close for about 10 seconds, sat him up and proceeded to burp him -- a little vigorously but quite cute. She then laid him down the opposite way and repeated the process on the "other side".

Once she was finished with Norman she put him in one of her little red chairs to watch football. She went upstairs and got her baby and started all over again with baby. She repeated the process 5 or 6 times, feeding, burping and setting up to watch football.

I caught it video, but didn't get a still picture of it. She was very quiet and laid back about it that I could have very easily missed it.

It just goes to prove that Erin picks up on Everything she sees and hears.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Erin, That was so cute what you did with your baby and stuffed animal. You must have looked adorable. Aunt Katie woke up with a sore throat yesterday and is feeling a bit under the weather; perfect condition to take my veterinary boards tomorrow. We miss you lots, Aunt Katie and Uncle Bill