Sunday, January 08, 2006

And it starts...

...the sibling rivalry. Or is it jealousy? Whatever it is it is wearing me thin. Both the kids seem obsessed with each other and wanting to be left alone all at the same time. Each is certainly testing the boundaries of what the other will put up with.

The last few days have contained many segments of time out for Erin coinciding with screams from Jeffrey. She tries to play with him and share her things but she wants him to play her way and he just doesn't, or isn't capable of doing it. The end result is often that Jeffrey gets thumped over the head with some toy or pushed down from the table/chair/couch at which he was standing.

At the same time Jeffrey is equally obsessed with Erin. He is too young to have any sense of her personal space. He will try to climb all over her or stand in the way when she is watching Rocket. Or he will make a move for the baby doll Erin has just spent several minutes situating just so on the couch. End result is the same and Jeffrey is screaming on the floor while Erin is sitting in time out.

Part of me thinks that Erin wants to treat Jeffrey just like that baby doll. She wants to drag him by the arm into her room and sit him just so. She doesn't comprehend that he just won't sit like that or that he wants to go play with something else. Frustration ensues and crying generally erupts from everyone in the household including me.

So if you have a second try to send some calm thoughts our way as we continue on our journey through parenthood and childhood at the same time. I'm sure we are going to need them.

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