Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A Big Weekend for All of Us

Both kids had a big weekend in their own way. Erin made her tiny stage debut in Wizard of Oz and Jeffrey spent the weekend with his Nana and Grandpa.

This spring's show was Wizard of Oz. Tom was Uncle Henry and Oz Man 1 while I had a small role as Oz Woman 2. We all decided Erin was a little to young to be a munchkin, but might be cute as an Oz girl. So we dressed her up in a cute green dress, put her hair in pigtails with bright green ribbons and even put some green eye shadow and blush on her. While waiting back stage for her part in the show she'd play with the other kids in the show. It was great to see her interacting so comfortably with the older kids (even when we went out to dinner Friday night, she sat with the kids rather than Tom and I). She had a tiny part in the final scene of the show where she ran down the aisle with me to announce that the "great and powerful" Oz was taking Dorothy back to Kansas. She was completely adorable. She clapped and applauded when everyone else on stage did the same thing and waved goodbye to the Wizard when he flew away in his balloon. She waited each night for her part and would get so excited asking if it was "Erin's turn" yet. She even learned part of one of the songs we sing.

Jeffrey, on the other hand, was not quite so excited about the shows. After several evening of being confined and controlled during dress rehearsals I realized that the best thing for all of us was to see if Nana and Grandpa wanted to play with Jeffrey for the weekend. They were more than happy. So Friday AM I took met Dad and Jonathan half-way to DC and we traded vehicles and they took Jeffrey with them. I was terrified he'd spend the weekend just getting into everything and as miserable as he had been at home. Boy was I wrong. He spent the weekend chasing the puppy, organizing seashells and magazines in the living room, putting slinkies on his head with Uncle Jonathan, taking long naps with grandpa and even shopping with Nana and Great-Oma. So apparently his crankiness was directly related to being in town with us.

Either way it was nice to have a weekend to focus on Erin and spend some special time with her while Jeffrey got his own experience.

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