Monday, June 26, 2006

Summertime Fun

We've been trying to enjoy the outdoors as much as possible this summer. Erin loves to play out in her sand/water table and climb on the slide. Jeffrey is just figuring out how to climb the steps for the slide. Erin also loves to play what she calls "soccer game" - merely kicking a ball back and forth. On our hilly yard that can turn into quite a workout. Bubbles are still a hit. Erin can go through an entire container of bubbles in one morning - about 50% of which ends up on the ground. We haven't gotten down to the lake yet, but that's in the books for this week once it stops raining. I think Jeffrey will just have a blast and I know Erin will.

When we go to visit Oma-Noni (still one entity in Erin's mind) we play outside a lot. They've got room for the little splashing pool and a sprinkler in the back yard. The Nemo sprinkler is a HUGE hit with both the kids. Erin was a little nervous about it at first. Other than running through the fountain in downtown Silver Spring she had never played in a sprinkler before. Jeffrey, on the other hand, walked right up to it and tried to pick Nemo up while it's spinning around squirting water everywhere. After about 2 minutes Erin decided it was ok and looked like fun. Now, Erin likes to try to catch the droplets of water.

They also spend a lot of time on the swing and slide at Oma-Noni's house when we are there. Erin likes it best when Uncle Jonathan pushes her (last time mommy pushed her, she did a forward flip off the swing and landed on her face. Mommy's not allowed to push her any more) but she is also beginning to learn how to pump her legs to make herself go. She can sit and swing for the longest time now. Jeffrey likes the bench swing and climbs onto it while trying to figure out how to make it go on his own. He's much more fearless than Erin ever was and is certainly focused. There is very little that can disrupt his attention from a goal except physically removing him from a situation and creating a new one. Simply just picking him up and moving him away doesn't work unless I give him a new project to work on.

So that's a glimpse at some of the fun we've been having this summer. Once we get to the beach I'll put up some pictures of that.

1 comment:

Katie said...

It sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun outside this summer. It has been pretty rainy here lately, so Gracie and Brinley's time outside is limited to bathroom visits only. We are sorry you will not be around for Rylie's birthday party at Wally World, but we look forward to seeing you in NJ in August. Love ya and miss ya lots, Aunt Katie and Uncle Bill