Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Gymnastics Class

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Today was the last morning for this session of Gymnastics. It's been great, and Erin really still loves it. The class is much smaller, only about 7 regular kids there. Erin's friend Julianna signed up with us and they love to play together at class. Since the class is smaller they made it more structured -- which I love. There are two instructors - the same coach from the spring and Miss Kimmie who I suspect is a college student and is more of an assistant.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingThey begin the classes with a little free play in the big gym while everyone get there. Then they head back to the smaller room with all the equipment. Miss Kimmie leads the stretching exercises. Erin's got better each week about following what she was doing - stretching just doesn't have the flair that the bar does, so Erin found it a little boring.

Then they'd sit and work on skills on equipment. They'd walk on the beam forwards, sideways and even backwards. Erin LOVES the beam. The low one she'll do all by herself and she's getting more and more comfortable on the higher beam. High bar is still her favorite part - they do pull-ups and some swinging and what they call monkey walking down the bar (hanging straight and moving down the bar by sliding hands). Erin keeps really good form on the bar generally and is even supporting her own weight most of the time. She does have trouble with the monkey walking because her hands are still a little small I think.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingErin also loves to do the mat exercises. She works with coach really hard on her handstands (but with feet against the wall). She'll hold up for a solid 10-count. Making tables is still fun as well as back rolls, log rolls and forward rolls down the incline mat.

So we now have a two week break before the next class and then another 6-week session. I love to see her having so much fun and learning to listen to instruction and work on skills at the same time.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Erin, It sounds like you are really enjoying your gymnastics class. I love to hear about it since Aunt Katie used to do gymnastics herself back in the prime of her day. I hope you keep interest in it for years to come. We love you and miss you lots and hope to see you soon, Aunt Katie and Uncle Bill