Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Pumpkin and Apple Weekend with Grandma W.

Grandma W. came down for a weekend visit and we decided to take her to one of our favorite places. It's an apple orchard on the top of a nearby mountain that has the best apples, apple donuts, apple cider and pumpkin selection around. We met some other frinds there and had a fun-filled morning.

While Erin and Tom went apple-picking with our friends, Grandma, Jeff and I played in the pumpkins. Sadly I didn't realize that the camera was not working very well and most of the pictures ended up pretty poor quality. Still Jeffrey had a BLAST climbing among the pumpkins, sitting on them, tryin to pick up ones that were heavier than he was. He just ran around like the wild man he usually is.

When Erin came back she played around looking for the perfect pumpkin while Tom got some snacks - Apple Pie for mommy, apple donuts for everyone else. Yummmy. Erin also enjoyed the fruits of her apple picking labors and munched down on a fresh juicy apple.

Afterwards we decided it would be fun if we all took a hayride. This was a blast. The view from the mountain is awesome. The day was soo clear we could see for miles and miles. And the hayride went some close to some of the trees we could almost pick the apples from the ride (but decided against it). The kids had fun throwing the hay around and filling Grandma's purse with hay. I think she's going to find bits of hay in her bag for a long time to come, but it was soo much fun she probably won't mind too much.

After the hayride we picked out some more apples. I got my favorites, Pink Ladies, for the kids and I to snack on. Tom got 2 big bags of Macs for making applesauce and 5 gallons of cider to try and make some "hard" cider at home with the beer-making supplies. we then spent the rest of the afternoon with our friends eating lots of great food while the kids played together.

Sunday continued the apple theme with Erin, Tom and Grandma making applesauce. Erin had lots of fun working the food mill to smush the apples into sauce. And of course she LOVES the results of her labor as does Jeffrey.

So we had a really fun weekend with Grandma and look forward to her next visit. Thanks for coming to play Grandma.

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