Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy Turkey Day

What a fun time we spent with our family. Everyone but Uncle Jonathan and Oma were here to relax and have fun with us. Although we missed them, we still managed to have a good time. There was lots of running and playing and climbing and picture taking. Uncle Bill seems to be the object of Erin's affection these days as I even found her curled up on a couch in the living room because "Uncle Bill" was taking a nap on the other couch. A voluntary nap? You've got to be kidding me.

Dinner was great as Tom smoked the turkey outside and I baked a ham inside. We had all the regular sides and plenty of desserts. It worked out well as there are a little bit of everyone's favorites available.

Erin got to go to her second movie in a big theater. We took her to see "Santa Clause 3". Although it wasn't the best movie ever made (very far from) it was cute enough to be entertaining. And Erin had a blast.

The best time was just spent hanging around the house with family. We played cards and Erin's games. There was lots of story reading and snuggling. Aunt Katie had her camera so there were tons of pictures taken. Cousin Rylie loved playing with Erin and Jeffrey in Erin's room and Erin LOVED sharing that time with Rylie. Seeing the kids play together with each other and all the adults was great.

It was just such a great few days filled with fun and family. Thanks everyone for coming down and playing with us.

1 comment:

Katie said...

We had a wonderful time and are so glad that we were able to come to VA to be with the family for Thansgiving. We look forward to hanging out with all the Wallace adults in LA for New Years. Playing with the kids was a blast and we look forward to seeing them again soon. Love ya, Aunt Katie and Uncle Bill