Friday, March 02, 2007

After 21 months, 3 weeks, 4 days...

...Jeffrey has finally had his first haircut. That's right folks he had enough hair that it was time (kinda). Erin needed her bangs cut and we were out running errands so took the opportunity. Of course I had Jeffrey in tow. I asked the lady doing Erin's hair if she thought it was time for Jeffrey, especially since he'd developed quite the rat-tail. She sugested just giving it an overall trim to even it out so it would all grow in faster. He sat sooo well. Didn't fuss a bit and figeted minimally. I helped gently hold his head still and she was even able to use the clippers around his ears and back of his neck. He was such a big boy I was so proud of him. They had a little certificate to fill out and put some of the clippings into an envelope for me to put in his baby book (well now it would be his toddler book since it took this long). So here are a couple of pictures from last month....

And ones from today. You really can see the difference (especially if you click on the picture to make it bigger).

1 comment:

Katie said...

Jeffrey, What a big boy you are! I am happy to hear what a good boy you were for your first hair cut. It is so hard to believe how fast you guys are growing up. It still feels like just last week that I was traveling down to VA and met you when you were 3 days old; and now you are pushing 2 years old. My how time flies. We love you and miss you lots, Aunt Katie and Uncle Bill