Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Patince Update.....

Well we are still with it. Jeffrey and I are continuing our work on the potty training. We are certainly making progress but still using Pull-Ups rather than big boy undies. I think next week we'll make the jump to the undies. He differs from Erin's training in several ways (and I expected this). Things I've learned about training Jeffrey....

1 - He MUST be in control. He chooses the story. He decides how long he's going to sit. He shows me where to sit (or when to leave).

2 - Advance notice MUST be given. I can't just say, Jeffrey let's go sit on the potty. I need to warn him 5-10 minutes in advance and get permission.

3 - Bribery certainly helps. He prefers to sit with a beverage and snack. Usually he gets a sippy and a piece of bread, sometimes a cookie.

4 - If he's not in the mood, he's not gonna sit. End of story.

So...we're taking it slower. But each day we generally have at least 1-2 successes. He still likes to play the "I'll sit here for 45 minutes then get up and go in my pants" trick. We talk about where pee and poop go (In the potty). He's had 2 or 3 successful poopies.

Erin's a big help. At first she was somewhat in the way, but she's getting better. Sometimes he'll sit and go for her when he won't sit for me. She'll sing him songs, read stories to him and perform general acts of entertainment.

Long story short, we're making some progress and not ready to give up yet. Next week we might take the big step into undies (have Cars and Diego ones all ready here). Wish us luck.

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