Tuesday, May 08, 2007

She's the Willy Wonka Candy Chorus

Erin (and mommy) just finished our run of Willy Wonka shows. Erin had the time of her life. She really just had a blast. She was in the Candy Chorus - specifically a caramel. She even had a couple of lines this time that we practiced over and over and over. Her favorite was "We never get any smaller" (while dressed as an Everlasting Gobstopper). She learned all her songs (they had little parts in 3 different songs) and even the movements to go with them. Best of all she seemed to make some friends with the group of kids in her cast - especially the girl dressed as the nuts. On Sunday when I gave her the option of coming and playing with me backstage or going to watch the rest of the play with her friends...she ran into the auditorium with her friends before I could blink. Here's a couple of pictures from the show. She's the one second from the right in the group picture.

Here's a little Video of her singing 2 of her songs...Erin Singing as a Caramel and a Gobstopper

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