Friday, September 14, 2007

Mommy and Jeffrey's First Week of Mornings

This was mommy and Jeffrey's first week of mornings together. I've been looking forward to having some special Jeffrey time and he really seems to thrive on it. But when Erin's home that time is difficult to find. So while Erin's been at school this week (having a blast, making a new best friend, carrying her teddy bear everywhere she goes) Jeffrey and I have been having our own little special week.

Jeff came with me on Monday to drop Erin off. He was devastated when he realized that he was NOT going to get to stay at school. He threw an all out fit when I walked out the door with him. When he realized he wasn't going to get to play on the playground there either (it's just for the preschool) he got even more upset. Every morning he wants to go with Erin to school and the tease of Monday morning was just too much. So after dropping Erin off we went to the County Park and played on the playground there. We swang together in swings, climbed up the rock climbing wall, went down the slides and he even served me Ice Cream. It was a great bonding time with him.

On Wednesday Tom was working from home so Jeff didn't have to come to school to drop off Erin. After dropping Erin off, I swung back and picked Jeff up for gymnastics class. This is the same class that he and Erin did together last spring. It's a lot of "free play" and running around. He played with the hoops and climbed over the mats. The coach set up a knock down the "cheese" mat game and Jeffrey had a blast with that. He got to stand back and charge full force at a big wedge shaped mat to knock it down. Super fun. He did try the balance beam once and swing on the bar also. He's more into the running and climbing though, and really fights anything structured in class. I'm hoping that by the end of the session he'll feel better about the structure. After class we got to spend some more playground time outside before we had to go pick up Erin. I believe that if Jeffrey were allowed to swing all day, he would.

This morning we joined a little play group with a neighbor up the street. He's hung out with her daughter before and they play fairly well together. He had a blast this morning. There were 4 kids, Jeff being the oldest, only boy, and certainly the biggest. I was amazed at how well he played though. At home he's so rough and tumble and NOT gentle with toys or people. Several times I saw him sitting with Shelby (the girl he's most comfortable with) playing calmly together. He also got her involved in a chase/run in a circle game that she had a blast with. It really was great to see him play together with the kids. At their ages, from about 18 months to Jeff they rarely play together and he certainly made the effort to play with others. Did pretty well at sharing too and was amazingly gentle - well for Jeffrey at least.

So while Erin's been at school Jeff and I have had a busy week. He's had a blast. I certainly hope we get to keep these mornings as special Mommy-Jeffrey time because it's really been great.


Anonymous said...

I see a future in football for our little Jeffrey who likes to run full force at things and knock them down :)

Uncle Gary

Mrs. B said...

I have personally seen Jeffrey tackle another 2-year-old...the boy has a future.