Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Things They Pick Up On

Sometimes I'm amazed at the things kids pick up on and how much they learn just from watching and absorbing. Even when you don't think they're paying a lick of attention.

So this morning Jeffrey and I were driving into gymnastics after dropping Erin off at school. The CD player in the Sentra is a little wacky and didn't want to work this morning so I was listening to some talk radio and Jeff was looking out the window. Every once in a while he'd shout out something cool that he could see....."Ice Cream Truck" (really a mail truck), "Trees", "School Bus", "Fire Truck." Then he started humming a little song.

He got quiet for a while and looked out the window. Then all of a sudden I heard clear as day,

Cut, Cut, Cut, Cut.......Everybody Cut Footloose

Now that song has been a staple in our household for the last month. Erin loves listening to the CD from the musical revue (so much it's starting to scratch). And Footloose was clearly her favorite song which she'd make me repeat over and over again. BUT, I never realized Jeff was picking up on it. And the music wasn't playing anywhere except inside his head.

At the next stop light Jeff was still singing it. I was cracking up in the front seat and looked back to give him a smile. To my amazement he was not only singing the words, but doing the ending point forward as he'd say "Footloose". Luckily I was at a light or I might have driven off the road laughing.

Needless to say I'm sure he'll never do it again and certainly not for a video camera. But I'll always be able to remember it and how proud he was of his accomplishment.

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