Sunday, November 25, 2007

Fun Family Thanksgiving

We had a fun family Thanksgiving this year, even if it was a bit smaller than usual. Uncle Jeff and Aunt Robyn didn't come this year and Aunt Katie and Uncle Bill also had other family to celebrate with (and as usual Uncle Jonathan was stuck at college). Grandma and Grandpa W., Noni, Grandpa and Oma were all able to come though.

Tom chose to smoke the turkey again this year. He used a maple brine that was really great. The turkey ended up simply delicious. I cooked a small ham to go along with it. Add in all the sides and yummy fixings and we had a great dinner. We spent a good portion of the day sitting on the newly finished deck (well no stairs yet) as it was in the 70s out. Erin was a big helper in the kitchen before Oma arrived (as once Oma was there it was all about playing with Oma). She helped me make both the pecan and pumpkin pie, and assisted Grandma W. in making some banana bread and a cheese dip.

We ended the evening with Oma and Erin continuing their playing in Erin's room. The rest of the adults enjoyed a game of Cranium and one of Wizard (a cool card game). We wore Jeffrey out so much with all the playing and eating that he actually crawled into Noni's lap and fell fast asleep. That's a very, very rare occurrence.

On Friday everyone (except Grandpa W. as he had some work to do) went to see Enchanted, the new Disney movie. The kids loved it, but got a little frightened at the end. The rest of the day we lazied around the house, playing with the kids and playing some cards while the kids were resting. Grandma W. and Erin made some lasagna for dinner. After dinner Noni, Oma and Grandpa had to head back home.

Saturday was another lazy day. We went for a drive in the mountains with Grandma and Grandpa W. and had a nice dinner at a nearby Japanese steakhouse. Afterwards we stopped by one of the local houses that really does up the lights at Christmas. They were all set up and even had parking spaces where we could get out and walk around the "show" with the kids. Jeffrey was in awe of all the lights and got very excited whenever he saw a Santa. Erin really liked the angel room which was filled with close to 100 Christmas angels.

This morning Grandma and Grandpa W. had to head back home. Erin and Jeff were sad to see everyone leave and kept trying to go along whenever someone left. We'll see Noni and Oma again this weekend and will be spending Christmas in Rochester this year, so we'll get some more family time in again soon. As for now, Erin's counting sleeps until Noni and Oma return (5) and we go to Rochester (28).

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