Thursday, July 24, 2008

Swimming Lessons

This was finally the summer I decided that it was important to have the kids take some swimming lessons. Both Erin and Jeffrey LOVE the water (each in their own way). They are both really comfortable with their arm floaties on but I wanted them to really start getting comfortable without them. Jeffrey especially. This boy has no fear when it comes to water. He is a madman. Loves to jump in and splash. Goes under the water. It's nuts. I decided that it really was essential that we get him some lessons so if he ever is around a pool or lake without his floats and somehow ends up in the water he might just be able to "survive" (for the 3 seconds it would take for mommy to become superwoman and get to him).

So for 2 weeks we had morning swim lessons at the local pool. It's an awesome pool that I wish I had discovered before. It is all beach entry and has a huge area that only goes to 2' 9" deep. The kids are able to play safely on their own without my having to hold onto them.

Class went as well as could be expected. Jeffrey's still not really a "class" kind of guy. He had a lot of trouble focusing and really just wanted to do his own thing. The teacher was pretty good about reigning him in...and anyway he's only 3. Erin was just the opposite. She loves the water, but on her own terms. She wants to take her time getting wet. Doesn't like to feel cold. HATES getting her face wet. So Miss Grace would have to give her a little extra encouragement too. I have no idea how she handled the two of them (with 3 other kids) together.

They worked on several skills including blowing bubbles, getting their faces wet, floating on back and tummy (supported by the teacher) and jumping in or going under the water. Jeffrey mastered anything that had to do with going under or jumping in immediately. He really is a fish. Erin was more comfortable and able to relax with the floating than Jeffrey was. When they asked him to try and float he'd stick every appendage into the air and flail around until he rolled out of the teacher's arms, sank to the bottom of the pool and shot back up with a big smile on his face. He did get it a few times though.

Erin really had trouble with the jumping in. She did NOT want to get her face wet at all. I think she also thought she couldn't stand where they wanted her to jump (she could). For 2 days she wouldn't do it at all. Then they coaxed her to go in from sitting. Finally they got her to step off the edge holding hands. It was a big thing for her do to and I was sooo proud when she did.

We did spend a few afternoons at the pool after lessons. They had a little frog water slide that both kids loved. Jeffrey also loved the mushroom waterfall, but Erin wasn't too keen on it (got her face wet). One afternoon Erin did discover that she could jump off into the water from a certain point in the pool. She did it over and over and over again. Having so much fun. But of course next morning in class NO WAY was she going to do it for her teacher.

In the long run it was a great two weeks at the pool. Both kids are certainly more comfortable in the water than they were before lessons. Jeffrey passed "Guppies 1" (the level they were on) easily. Miss Grace thinks Erin needs to get more comfortable so she'll have to repeat it if she keeps on with swimming classes (I think gymnastics is more her thing). So it looks like the one who HATED anything to do with the pool as an infant is the one who is going to be the family swimmer and the water baby might just be focusing on her cartwheels and bridges in gymnastics class.

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