Thursday, June 02, 2011

Hanging In There

Actually more than hanging in there.  Jeff's doing great with his arm.  He's not been in any pain at all and hasn't even complained of it itching him.  The cast allows him to have a little more use of his hand than the splint did so he can even do most everything on his own (get dressed, play his Star Wars Wii, suck his fingers).

He was very brave when getting the cast on. As we were walking in he got a little afraid.  He asked me if it was going to hurt and would he get his cast.  I didn't know any exact answers so I explained that it might hurt to get the cast on, but that would keep it from continuing to hurt.   The orthopedist is at the Children's Rehab center associated with the University Hospital so the building was pretty inviting and had a play area right near the registration desk.  We were quickly taken back for the cast.  The Dr. gave Jeff a choice of colors and used a water resistant (but not waterproof) under layer.  So he shouldn't get it soaked, but can get it a little wet.  That was great news with field day coming up.  Jeff chose a soccer ball pattern for his cast and sat super still while they put it on for him.  No fussing, no tears.  Just my big boy.

Splint off before cast put on

A Nice Clean Soccer Ball Cast

I brought a Sharpie so I could sign his cast as soon as it hardened.  He was very cute about letting me sign it.  The next day he brought the marker to school so all his friends could sign it.  It's not a very big cast and it came home absolutely covered in notes written in red marker.  Just too cute.  His teachers even signed it.

Lots of Love From His Friends

For the first day or so he was still not really willing to use the hand, but he's gotten very good with it now.  As far as activities go, the rule is "both feet on the ground".  We were given permission for rides at King's Dominion, but no water park yet.  He went on a field trip to a playground with all the Kindergarten classes.  I went along to make sure he played safely, and he did.

At The Playground With Owen
OK - yeah both feet are NOT on the ground but this was about as high as he got.
So my little guy is back to playing the Wii as usual (but holding his DS is still difficult), building his Leggo spaceships, and tormenting his sister.  We go back to the Ortho in about 2 weeks from now to get the cast off.  Until then it looks like we may be back to business as usual.

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