Thursday, December 15, 2005

Dog Days of Winter

I love winter - the snow on the trees is beautiful and out here at the new house it is so pristine. Erin is getting more excited about the snow and looks for more snow every morning. BUT....

...the hill on our street is a sheet of ice. Since it's a dirt road there's nothing that really can be done except to sand it - which would at least help. Last night I got stuck half-way up the street and it hadn't snowed in almost a week. Thankfully the kids were not in the car to learn all sors of "new" words. But it means that this morning we are not able to get out to storytime - one of our weekly excursions that we BOTH look forward to.

...Jeffrey either got cold or hot or has a stuffy nose and spent the entire night alternating between screaming at me, snugled on my chest sleeping (which does not equal sleeping for me), nursing followed by more screaming at me.

...Erin woke up with green gunk flowing out of her nose and she HATES to have her nose wiped. It's a battle for everything with her when she feels like this.

Meghan: Let's sit on the potty Erin.
Erin: No!!!!! No potty.
Meghan: How about some milk.
Erin: No! Juice!!! Something to eat!!!
Meghan: OK, let's get dressed first.
Erin: No! No pants. Rocket!!!!
Meghan: You can watch Rocket after breakfast.
Erin: crumples into a ball on the floor screaming while Meghan walks off to the kitchen to get some much needed coffee.

I think you get the picture.

My only hope is that this is all this will be done and over with by Christmas next week and we are all back to being as happy, healthy and rested as possible.

And that the kids are not in the room when I call the maintenence person for the development and give him a piece of my mind. Maybe I should make him sit here with two housebound babies.

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