Monday, December 19, 2005

Imagine my surprise....

...when I realized that this

had turned into this.

While working in the kitchen I heard the familiar sounds of the activity table. Erin still plays there on a regular basis so nothing crossed my mind. Then I realized that Erin was supposed to be napping. I turned to give her a gentle reminder that she is to stay in her room until the music stops even if she's not asleep. What I found was Jeffrey standing at the table. He had pulled himself up to it without any help from anyone. He was pushing buttons and spinning the rattle without realizing that he was standing up.

Sigh, they grow up so fast. Not just physically but emotionally and mentally. I don't remember time seeming to go this fast with Erin. It felt like she was a snuggly little baby forever. It's the exact opposite with Jeffrey he seems in such a hurry to do everything. It is the rare occasion that I get a snuggle and when I do it only happens because I know he's tired and needs to sleep so I hold him tight. At those times I just try to sit back and soak it all in because I know it's not going to last.

1 comment:

Katie said...

What a big boy you have become Jeffrey. Last time we saw you you were only a little over two months old at our wedding. Before we know it you will be walking around. Watch out mom and dad; soon you will have two totally mobile children. Love you and miss you all, Aunt Katie and Uncle Bill