Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Entering The Land of "NO!"

And I'm not sure we're going to survive. In all 3 years this seems to be one of the most difficult stages I've come across. Looking back I'm thinking harder than the poopy panties days or the days when Jeffrey had night and day mixed up. Each night I go to bed praying that tomorrow when we get up the word will not exist any more. I know, I know it's just a stage, every parent has to go through it, she'll grow out of it -- I've heard it all. That doesn't make it any easier in the day-to-day life though.

So clearly Erin has decided that her favorite word is NO! She uses it constantly.

"Erin, let's head to the potty before we go to the park"


"Erin get in the car please."

Any request is met with the same answer whether it's something she really does want to do or not. If I ask if she wants to go to the library her first response is "NO" followed by a pause and then "Oh OK". So my response at first was to ignore her when she said it -- that didn't really work. Next I tried sitting her down each time she said it and letting her know saying "NO" like that was not OK. She'd give me a hug, say "I'm sorry mommy." I'd say well let's go get some lunch - her immediate response "NO!" So now I find myself doing the absolute worst thing and shouting back at her -- I know I know way wrong thing to do, but we're reaching the end of the rope here.

I think that the primary reason she is always saying NO is that I'm ALWAYS having to shout "NO" at Jeffrey. The little monkey is constantly on top of something he shouldn't be, or putting something in his mouth, or throwing all the CDs on the floor or smashing bananas into the table, etc... So Erin's even started yelling at him to stop. Again I realize this is all my fault I should create an environment where I don't have to shout at him, but... I just don't have the energy.

I'm going to try to go back to the ignoring the "NO!" response from Erin in hopes that she'll realize it's not going to get the attention she wants any more. I'm tired of fighting with her over everything. I feel like I've become the Wicked Witch of the West or something.

I'm sorry this seems to have turned into a rant, but that's where my frustrations are today. We still certainly have moments of serenity and cuteness here - like when Erin sings "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" while sitting on the potty, or when Jeffrey climbs onto his riding toys and zooms around the house babbling like a monkey (still no words here not even mama or dada). But if I seem exhausted and frustrated and beat down it's mostly because right now I just am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about - OK, when you decide you're ready to go to the library let me know. Otherwise we'll just stay here.