Saturday, July 14, 2007

Mommy - Go Potty

I haven't given an update on Jeffrey's potty progress lately. He's doing quite good. He's even started telling me when he has to go - which seems to have taken longer than it did with Erin. Yesterday was his first completely dry day. He was wet in the morning (something to be expected) but stayed dry for the rest of the day - including his nap time and a trip to the Dr. (for what turned out to be a bug bite behind the ear). The day before that he was playing outside with Erin while Tom was working on the deck. There was a knock at the door and Jeffrey was standing there saying,

"Mommy, Go Potty"

I was pretty amazed at that. To realize while outside playing that he had to go. And to be willing to stop playing long enough to come inside and go pee. Again this morning while we were snuggling in bed he looked at me and said the same thing. Way to go kiddo, progress!!!

We've started making some more trips outside the house in his undies. Earlier this week we went to the grocery store without a hitch. As long as we go potty before we leave we're usually pretty lucky.

That's not to say we're in the clear. Monday evening, Tom found him in the basement playing, standing in a huge puddle, and completely un-aware that anything was wrong. When I went down to get him he looked at me and said - Ooops - pee pee in pants. And that was about it. Not overly concerned about it at all.

So we've still got a ways to go, but I'm impressed at the progress we've made at this young age.

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