Wednesday, September 05, 2007

First Day of School

Erin has been counting down her sleeps until the first day of school for the past few weeks. She was so excited this morning to wake up and have her first day of school. We got her backpack a few weeks ago - and it's huge on her, but totally adorable. So we got up and had a good breakfast before school. She picked out what she wanted to wear and looked cute as a button.

Mommy drove Erin to school. As we were arriving in the parking lot she chirped up from the back seat...."Thank you for driving me to school mommy." So sweet and innocent like I had done the most special thing ever. Then when I asked if I could walk her in (we're actually required to) she said, "Thank you for walking me into school." She was excited but I could hear a little caution in her voice.

Putting on her backpack while getting out of the car

All that was gone once we walked in the door. She headed straight for her teacher so she could show off her Tinkerbell backpack. Her teacher showed her where to put it and then led her to the "sign-in" table where the kids practice writing their name and then put it up on a "survey" board. Today's question was "Are you a boy or a girl." Erin clearly informed the teacher...."I'm a Big girl."

After that she was exploring the toys and corners of the room. She never even looked back to me. Didn't give me a hug. And I don't think she even realized I had left.

When I went to pick her up they were playing outside. She was patiently waiting her turn for the swing sucking on a Freezer Pop. She was NOT ready to go. Saw me, gave me a little wave and kept on sitting. I let her play another few minutes and then the teacher brought her over.

The review I got from Erin was that they read stories (about a paw -- which I deciphered to be the "Kissing Hand") and an ABC book. They had a snack - crackers, fishies, oranges and juice. They also painted but it wasn't dry enough to bring home. And of course it was a big deal to play outside.

When I got home her backpack had some other information in it. She had made a collage with buttons, and a puzzle with her hand print on it. The envelope for the puzzle had a little poem about you will always remember how small my hand was on my first day of pre-school (it made Mommy a little teary to see it). Turns out Erin will have Show and Tell on Fridays and can bring in anything she wants to share. Next week is Teddy bear week and she can bring her teddy bear with her to school each day. Week after that we get a trip to the apple orchard.

She was so excited about everything. I'm very glad she had a great time. I hope she'll be able to make some new friends in time. The very first thing she said when we got home was...."How many more sleeps until I can go back to school?"

1 comment:

Quickstar said...

Sounds she had quite a first day. The last time I was going to school I wasn't the slightest bit excited about it, but then again we weren't learning to use new toys, playing with buttons or going to visit orchards either.