Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cookie Exchange

Erin's school had a cookie exchange recently. The goal of the exchange was for each child to bring in 3 dozen homemade cookies to share with the class and they would return with a variety pack of 3 dozen cookies. My first response was....are you kidding me? 3 dozen cookies? The premise behind the project was a valuable one. The kids were supposed to help out with the making of the cookies as much as possible. The end result was not as nearly as important as the process.

So we made Peanut Butter Blossoms - peanut butter cookies with Hershey's Kisses in the middle. They are fairly easy to make and there was a lot that Erin (and Jeffrey) could help with. Both kids were big helps with measuring and counting the basic ingredients. Erin helped with the mixer a little too. But Erin's biggest role was in making little balls of dough and then rolling them in sugar. She simply thought that was the coolest thing ever. Then while the cookies baked she and Jeffrey opened the kisses. When the cookies came out of the oven, Erin carefully helped put the kisses into the middle of the cookies. What seemed like a daunting task at the beginning actually turned out to be a ton of fun.

Here are some pictures of the process.

Measuring Brown Sugar

Cracking Her First Egg (She did a great job too)

Rolling the Dough in Sugar

Placing the Kisses

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