Thursday, December 06, 2007

Puzzle Mania

There's a new craze in the house and it's puzzles. There are puzzles everywhere. Every day the kids are sprawled out on the floor working the puzzles.

I got Erin 2 little 24 piece puzzles for her birthday. Since then she's been pretty fascinated with them. She could sit at the table and just work them over and over for hours. But her method was very meticulous. She would put them together row by row. The pieces had to fit together in a specific order.

Jeffrey has a little firetruck puzzle with 9 or so pieces. He figured it out earlier this fall and can now do it virtually in his sleep. He's begun showing lots of interest in the larger puzzles. Now it's gotten to the point that he's the one on the floor with the 24 piece puzzles out.

His method is very different from Erin's. He puts them together by character. For example he'll find all the Big Bird pieces and put Big Bird together. Next comes Elmo. I was simply amazed the first time I watched him put one together.

Erin has moved on to her 48 piece castle puzzle which she's just starting to work on her own. It's quite cool.

Needless to say, there will be more puzzles under the tree this year.

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