Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Winter Carnival Fun

We went to a Winter Carnival with some friends last Friday. It was at Erin's friend Julianna's school and they invited us to come along. When I told Erin about it she was very excited to get to see her friends.

The Carnival was a lot of fun. They had the gym at the school set up with a bunch of games. The kids played a beanbag toss (which Erin was very good at) and a bowling game. Erin wanted to try the basketball game but needed a little help from Julinanna's daddy Jason to lift her up closer to the basket. She did do very well at the football toss though. Jeffret tried his hand at most of the games (except the basketball). He even got the football through the hoop and knocked down a couple of the bowling pins on his own. We had his wearing his puppy backpack since it was pretty crowded. He was not a fan of the backpack this evening though and kept fighting it on us. Better him fight us than run off and get lost though.

The biggest hit of the night was the inflated "bouncy" slide. It was about 20-30 feet tall and one of those great big bouncy things. Erin waited patiently in line with Julianna's sister Kasia. She scampered up the "steps" to the top pretty quickly and came flying down the slide. Jeffrey was all ready to give it a try but took one step on the "bouncy" area and screamed running back to mommy. If we'd let Erin she would have played on the slide the entire night.

In the cafeteria the school was selling drinks and snacks. They also had a cakewalk set up for the kids. They walked around in a circle stepping on different numbers on the floor. When the music stopped someone would draw a number and whoever was standing on that number won a cupcake. Both Erin and Jeff had a huge blast with this game. They even each won a cupcake to take home for later snacking (since we'd been out to dinner before the carnival and has dessert there).

It was a lot of fun to hang out and be silly with our friends. Thanks so much for inviting us.

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