Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I realized I haven't updated the Jeffrey potty progress in a long while. It feels like I've been potty training him forever. He's the one who wanted to get started with it, but has days where it's a complete fight. He HATES to be interrupted from what he's doing to go potty. That doesn't mean he has accidents. It just means that if I ask him to go when he hasn't been in a while it's a huge fight. Still he's pretty much completely trained when he's awake. Wears his Cars or Little Einstein undies throughout the day. He may have a little accident on his way to rush to the potty but we deal with those in stride.

This week he seems to have also turned a big corner. He'd been in a phase of only pooping when in a pull-up. So every nap and morning he'd wake up with a huge stink. Since the fall he had gone through phases like that but this last one was the longest.....about a month. So last week I turned up the encouragement level. I'd make sure he sat long enough before nap time so that if he had to go he would. We read stories in the bathroom and I even promised him a new toy if he pooped in the potty and kept his pull-up clean through his nap. Well 2 days of promising and nothing but dirty nap times. Finally he was able to poop before nap and stay clean so he got his new toy. This seems to have made all the difference. He's been a regular on the potty before nap time since then. I'm hoping that this isn't just another phase, but the end of the dirty bums.

He even got up from his nap the other day, took his pull-up off and tossed it in the trash. Got on the "big" potty and did his business all on his own. Of course then he came downstairs naked trying to convince me he was "all done nap". He lost that battle, but got a big hug and high 5 for doing a great job with the potty.

He also pretty much got to do it all on his terms. Go when he wants, have whom he wants in the bathroom etc.... But as long as I'm not having to clean it up I'll let him keep his particularities.

So Yay!!! for Jeffrey. I've got a few more "prizes" tucked away in case we need them again, and Grandma is sending a few down as well but hopefully we've entered the newest phase of using the potty. It only took us about 9 months...sigh.

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