Friday, January 04, 2008

Merry Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas morning at Grandma and Grandpa's. The tree (and rest of the living room) was loaded with presents. Seeing that there were 4 kids 4 and under there (plus 8 adults) that was pretty much to be expected.

This was the first year that Erin really got into the preparations for Christmas. She picked out presents for Tom and I on her very own - and knew exactly what she wanted to get. She actually had request for Santa too. She was obsessed with her advent calendar and had to put up a magnet first thing every morning. She even saved a spot for Mary, Joseph and Jesus in the stable. At school they made ornaments as gifts, Reindeer food to sprinkle on the lawn Christmas Eve, and learned lots of Christmas songs. Seeing her grow so much in her excitement and anticipation was a blessing.

Jeffrey was equally excited. His passion was Christmas lights. Any time we were out he'd scream loudly "Looook Christmas Lights!!!!!". He also loved listening to Christmas songs on the radio and chose a favorite this year.......Feliz Navidad. An odd choice but it's quite repetitive and he would often just sit on the floor and sing "Feliz Navidad....Feliz Navidad...Wish you Merry Christmas...Wish You Merry Christmas" So adorable I giggled every time. He also enjoyed his calendar, but the Holy Family ended up off to the sides and Baby Jesus was flying near an angel.

Christmas morning was a blast. The kids really dug into their stockings. Their presents from Santa seemed to be the biggest hits. Santa brought Jeffrey a "Pat Pat Rocket" from Little Einsteins. Erin got her request of a new baby doll she could sleep with (a Cabbage Patch kid). Pat Pat and baby Hailie are still popular even a week out.

So prepare for the picture overload. Here are some shots of the kids opening presents and in front of the tree Christmas morning.

All 4 cousins and a mountain of presents

Anything left in here?

Woah!!! This is cool!!

Being a little more careful.

Already loving her dolly.

Worn out.

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