Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snow Day

Yay for another snow day - at least that's what the kids are saying. I, on the other hand, had other plans. We were set to go to the library (Erin and I need some more books to read together) then this afternoon head to the gym to try out a new class, grab some dinner, go back for Annie try-outs, and then game together with some friends. There's still a possibility we'll be able to get out this evening, but it's pretty sketchy.

Anyway the kids could care less. It wasn't snowing when Jeffrey woke up or when I got into the shower (At least not that I noticed) but when I got out of the shower there was a dusting of snow covering the ground. Forty minutes later there was at least an inch. Erin woke up begging to go out and play. I did presuade her to stop long enough to eat some breakfast.

So we bundled up. All of you moms out there know the process that means. Hit the potty, find gloves and hats, boots and snow pants. Make sure we don't have to go potty again. Then I need to make sure everything gets put on in the right order (mittens before coat, pants before boots). That whole process takes at least 20 minutes.

Once they were ready to head out, I got myself ready and followed them. They were running around giggling and laughing it up. Throwing snow on each other. Pushing each other down and laughing some more. By the time we got out there we had at least 3" on the ground. Erin wanted to make a snowman, but the snow was really light and fluffy and wouldn't even make a decent snowball.

We did decide to take a walk and went down to look at the stream. It's really pretty in the snow and you can hear the water running so much clearer because everything else is so quiet. The kids had fun throwing snow into the water since the stones were all covered up.

Back at the house Erin asked to go sledding. I went inside and found an old serving tray from the kitchen. After a few runs down the side hill we'd packed down a little path and had a pretty good sledding run. The kids thought that was the best thing ever. Not only was the sliding part fun, but each thought that the option of pushing the other down the hill was equally fun. They slid down the hill for about 30 minutes until one good push landed Erin against a tree and we cracked the sled. Erin laughed and laughed because she hit the tree. It was quite funny until she realized the sled had cracked, then she was devastated.

So we gathered up our cold fingers and runny noses and headed inside. The snow is still coming down so maybe we'll get back out later and I'll take a few pictures.

We didn't get to the library and probably won't make the gym, BUT we certainly did have some fun. Library and gym for tomorrow I guess.

1 comment:

Katie said...

It sounds like you guys had a great time sledding. Right now it is just bitter cold here but with no snow. I can not wait until I am a little older so that I can go out and play in the snow. It will probably be another 1-2 winters before I will really appreciate it. I can't wait to meet you guys next month at my baptism. Love ya lots, Baby Will