Thursday, May 29, 2008

More Graduating

Erin's pre-school had a graduation last Friday. The kids all wore tie-dyed shirts they had helped make. They also had little graduation hats. The teacher played Pomp and Circumstance while they all walked in. The presentation was a month-by-month review of the school year through song. Erin was in December and sang the "Christmas All Around" song from their Christmas program.

They asked each of the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up before the program. As they were dismissed to their parents the teacher shared each child's aspirations. There were several firefighters and policemen, a couple of animal helpers, one who wanted to be a mommy, an astronaut, a princess....and Erin's response...... A butterfly. That's right, my daughter wants to grow up to be a butterfly. I'm hoping she changes her mind before she tries to spin her own chrysalis from the bedroom ceiling.

Afterwards Erin took one last swing on the swings with her friend Abbey. We're hoping Erin and Abbey end up going to the same school, but Abbey lives right on the line between 2 school districts and mom still wasn't sure which one she'll go to. When it was time to go, we went into town and celebrated her "graduation" with lunch at the Chinese buffet....mmmmm

Erin really loved being at pre-school. She made some really good friends and learned so much. I took her in for kindergarten registration today and the screener said Erin's certainly ready for school. Erin quite agrees. I get the "how many more sleeps" until Kindergarten question daily. I try to tell her it's more than she can count, but that doesn't work anymore. Maybe in July I'll make a little paper chain so she can tear links off to see exactly how many sleeps left.

Until then we're going to keep busy here. Both kids are going to a week-long mornings camp at the pre-school. Then there's swimming lessons and tumbling camp. Don't forget a week at the beach, some trips to DC, camping in the mountains and a long weekend away with mommy and daddy. I'm afraid August 20th (first day of school) will be here much to soon.
Saying one last goodbye to a super teacher

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