Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Weekend of Celebrations

We visited New York this past weekend to see Uncle Jonathan graduate from college, and to celebrate the birthdays with Grandma and Grandpa W. and Aunt Katie, Uncle Bill and baby Will. It was a great weekend - even if the weather didn't really cooperate.

Erin was very excited to be at Uncle Jon's graduation. It was a long long affair (as most graduations are). She did a great job sitting and listening (and playing, coloring, singing quietly lol). Jeffrey didn't do so well with the cramped quarters so he and daddy took off and sneaked back in every once in a while. The did manage to get the best view of Uncle Jonathan walking across the stage to get his diploma though. Sadly they didn't have a camera on them. It meant so much to Uncle Jon to know that we were there supporting him. We did get a great chance to see him walking by, getting ready to receive his diploma. After graduation we took a few pictures, something we don't always take time to do in mommy's family.

The next day (after spending the rest of the afternoon moving Jon out of his room) daddy's family came down to visit and celebrate birthdays. Originally we had hoped to meet at a park outside, but it was rainy and we took over the indoor pool (fall-back plan so everyone was prepared) and had a blast. The kids swam with everyone for close to 2 hours and had an absolute blast. Then we celebrated with some cupcakes and nibbles and of course presents.

Erin is still obsessed with her baby cousin Will. She kept her eyes on him most of the day. Any time he was fussy she'd run over to him and rub the top of his head. She did get a chance to hold him too....both of them more comfortable with it than in February.

We finished the afternoon going out to dinner all together. We headed to a local brew pub and everyone found something good to eat.

Both kids were very excited to spend some quality time with Noni, Grandpa, Oma and Uncle Jon at the hotel. Noni and Oma graciously offered to let the kids sleep with them and give mommy and daddy a few quiet nights to sleep. Uncle Jonathan added his assistance with taking care of the kiddos too. When it came time to say goodbye and start home 2 overtired kiddos were totally in tears. Erin didn't want her booster seat moved back into the Intrepid and Jeffrey didn't understand why Uncle Jonathan wasn't riding with him any more. And although the kids were completely burned out and totally overtired it was a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

Katie said...

We had a great time hanging out with you guys in Corning! Thanks for letting us crash your pool party! Will really seemed to enjoy the pool, which is crucial with a summer of Wally World ahead of us! We love you and miss you lots and can't wait to see you in July at the beach!
Aunt Katie, Uncle Bill, and Will